Issue #33



Table of Contents for #33

10 Meditation in Vedanta
by Swami Brahmeshananda
Shravana, manana, and nididhyasana — the 3 “proofs of Truth” — reveal themselves as the most important practice in Vedanta in this article. To hear, to contemplate, and then to meditate on the result is the certain way to full understanding leading to realization.12 The Purpose of Meditation
by Annapurna Sarada
To have a reason to sit quietly surely helps the practitioner of meditation along the inward pathway. Merely sitting in the silence will calm the mind. But other wonders await the apt devotee of God and Truth as levels of ensuing Yoga reveal themselves.

16 Call My Name: A Jewish Meditation Process
by Rabbi Rami Shapiro
A simple, easy, and wondrous way of accessing the indwelling “Spirit” in today’s very busy times is through speaking, chanting, and repeating the names of God ardently, with devotion. Many religious traditions, including Judaism, value this practice.

20 Realizing Our True Nature
by Swami Bhuteshananda
A past President Maharaj of the Ramakrishna Order speaks his heart and mind about the need and import of acknowledging and realizing the presence of the “Great Self” within.

25 Eyes Open, Eyes Closed
by Babaji Bob Kindler
A rare and unusual form of meditation that is enjoyed by the pure-minded practitioner or adept is the all-inclusive way of “seeing God everywhere, and in everything.” For God will not cease to exist when the eyes open on the world again after deep reflection.

32 Sitting in Ch’an Zen Retreat
by Lex Hixon
Spiritual experiences, strangely enough, are a part of the practitioner’s early and late stages of meditation. The middle stages are often quite indistinct. But when these visions, blisses, and insights dawn, they are both exceedingly welcome and wholly undeniable.36 Meditation on the Breath in Oneness
by Llewellyn Vaughn-Lee
Meditation on the breath is a part of many religious traditions. Often, however, it is seen as an elementary practice used to calm the restless mind. To align it with the life-force forms an entirely deeper echelon, and to actually take a single, fully conscious breath opens up more intense levels still.

40 Meditation & Samadhi
by Swami Aseshananda
The two loftiest limbs of Yoga are explained via rapt discourse by a monastic soul whose practice of meditation spanned over seven decades.

44 Talk with Maezumi Roshi
with Lex Hixon
In an interview with Maezumi Roshi dating from the 1970’s, our SRV founder, Lex Hixon, openly and freely discusses the tradition and practices of the Zen Buddhist tradition with a roshi who studied and meditated in both the Soto and Rinzai lineages.

49 Vedanta 101: Spiritual Discrimination
by Annapurna Sarada/SRV Associations
The profound importance of spiritual discrimination, called viveka in Sanskrit, is taken apart as to the meaning of attaining the only real and healthy separation that is necessary in the devotee’s practice — perceiving the distinction between the real and the unreal, the essential and nonessential, Truth and untruth, God and Matter, Creature and Creator, and so many other false superimpositions that increase the line of demarcation between God and Mankind.