Issue #20



Table of Contents for #20

4 The Nectar of Advaitic Instruction
Burning questions and cooling answers grace this issue’s installment of Advaitic Instruction, providing intriguing interchange in the tradition of spiritual self- inquiry.8 The Sublime Continuum of Consciousness
by Joel and Michelle Levey
The Tibetan Book of the Dead, from the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, has always held both a fascination and an attraction for Westerners. Some of its more profound aspects are explored herein, combining some of the deeper secrets of the work with its deeper and salient teachings.

14 Vasudhaiva Kutumbhakam
by Dr. Sharad Chandra
Ancient, even timeless, is the land and the spirituality of India. The success and the longevity of this mysti- cal and unfathomable country lie, in part, with the secret of its long-lived concept of inseparability – not just the declaration of the truth of the family of man, but the proof of it in action over cycles of time.

18 Inscrutable Maya Magic
by Babaji Bob Kindler
Yoga Vasishtha is a scripture that has spread well out- side of the subcontinent of India, reaching distant shores and inspiring the minds of a host of different races and individuals. In this article is presented one of the intriguing stories from this epic masterwork of spirituality, and the first appearance of traces of a new English translation.

24 Plurality as Centrality
by Lex Hixon
Throughout a vast span of time, and in the midst of an almost boundless march of astute philosophies and philosophers, the essential axiom of innate Oneness has all but gotten lost in the process of analysis, argumentation, opinion, and contrasting viewpoints. But this is quite acceptable within the realm of plurality as centrality – the Noumenal Ground – where all perspectives are but ever intertwining myths that are but threads of its indivisible and eternal fabric.30 Suffering as Transformation
by John Forman
The question, “why is there suffering,” has all but gotten sufficiently answered with the advent of illumined souls such as Christ, Lord Buddha, Sri Ramakrishna, and other Avatars. Not only has suffering now becoming known generally as a constant companion to life in relativity, it is also being seen by some as an opportunity for building character. Due to this, its previously impenetrable appearance and seemingly senseless presence is getting pierced, and as it does, revealing ways of forbearance leading to transcendence.