Issue #30
Table of Contents for #30
10 Essence of Advaita Vedanta, Part 2 by Alexander Hixon In this second installment of three, more of the deep nondual elements of Gaudapada’s commentary on the Mandukyopanisad are revealed for contemplation.16 Ladder of Spiritual Ascent in Jainism by Swami Brahmeshananda This is the ninth in an ongoing series of articles on the Jain religion, gleaned from the first hand experi- ence of this swami of the Ramakrishna Order who lived and learned among the Jains while on pilgrimage to their holy sites and temples. 20 The Gunas in Vedic Cosmology 27 Mumukshutvam – Desire for Freedom 32 Essentials of Judaism |
38 The Ecstatic Dissolution of the Self by Anam Thubten Rinpoche The marked difference, in both capacity and clarity of awareness, between the human ego and what realized souls speak of as Witness Consciousness, is well docu- mented in this engaging article, transmitted from the enlightened perspective of Tibetan Buddhism by one of its dedicated Rinpoches. The entire premise of the teachings centers around gaining the ability in prac- tice to gently let go of all egoic superimpositions in order to alleviate fear and embrace subtle joy within.42 Requisites to Samadhi by Swami Aseshananda This is the ninth transcription of the many discourses of Swami Aseshananda that the Nectar staff has ren- dered for the written page, in service of the spiritual practitioner of Vedanta, as well as any lover of Truth and Philosophy. In this offering, the revered swami astutely lays out the necessary qualifications that a sin- cere aspirant will have to meet in order to place the soul in the superlative position for the rarest of all spiritual experiences — Samadhi. 47 Birth, Death, and the Bardo Plane |