Swami Vivekananda Vijnanagita
The Wisdom Song of Vivekananda
Swami Vivekananda, the World Teacher who introduced Vedanta and Yoga to the West in 1893, was a spiritual giant and philosophical genius, whose all-embracing love of humanity and warrior spirit brooked no compromise with truth, freedom, and the divinity of every human being. This Vijnanagita, Song of Wisdom, represents the heart of his thinking and message to the world. Drawn solely from his personal letters and arranged for contemplation, this collection of Vivekananda’s most candid and direct statements on spiritual, philosophical, and social issues is a book for one’s most treasured inspirational library.
Hardcover w/foil embossing, Photographs
5.25 x 8.5 / 230 pages / U.S. $18.00
ISBN 978-1-891893-09-4
Press Release | Excerpt | Table of Contents | Jai Ho Vivekananda! CD