The Avadhut and His Twenty-Four Teachers in Nature
The Avadhut is both a novel and a compendium of Eastern spiritual teachings, presented in an engaging and authentic manner. The main character, Ekanta, who has been drawn from mention of a holy man in the Srimad Bhagavatam, encounters such “teachers” as the earth, the moth, the ocean, the child, the prostitute, the elephant and the arrowmaker, inspiring vivid recollections from his life spent in the company of his own spiritual masters, illumined parents, and other enlightened beings.
Softcover / 6 x 9 / 712 pages / U.S. $24.95
ISBN 1-891893-05-X
“Beautiful! The Vedantic teachings of India are placed so well within the journeys of an ascetic traveling through the country of India. I cannot get over the amount of wisdom found on each page of this piece. An absolute treasure. You would do well to discover it.“