Issue #5



 Table of Contents for #5

4 Wisdom Facets from the Gem of Truth
Teachings from Sri Ramakrishna, Sri Sarada Devi, Swami Vivekananda and the devotees. 7 Srishti Rahasya – The Secret of Creation
by Babaji Bob Kindler
The secret to all of Creation is revealed in philosophy, particularly the revelation of Srishti Rahasya as stated in Tantra and Samkhya science. The secret is in the Word, which is deep, with infinite facets, a few of which are lucidly explored in this in-depth article.

10 The Ilahis – Calling to the Beloved
by Reyhan al-Jerrahi
Divine hymns grace every religious tradition, and Sufism, with its “ilahis,” is no exception. In this article, English translations of the ilahis by the contemporary sage, poet and writer, Nur al-Jerrahi, are explored.

13 White Clouds, Empty Mountains
by Alan Hunter
The Tang poet, Wang Wei, was a master who knew the nature of authentic Transcendence. He lived in tune with nondual Reality. As the Daodejing states, “Without leaving the house, the Sage knows the whole world.” His is a poetry of Advaitic experience.

17 The Dialog of Painting
by Marisela Bracho
The many dimensions which lie hidden behind what we actually see and experience with our human senses are nevertheless captured and placed in view in the fine paintings of Marisela Bracho, whose deft touch also graces the covers of Nectar of Nondual Truth.

19 The Art of Making a True Move:
Meditation and Dance

by Arawana Hayashi
Time, space, location, the physical body, meditation, and deeply-considered thought all coalesce in the eternal moment of movement, wherein the divine dancer becomes an instrument for unified awareness. 21 Celebrating the Art and Sound of Peace
by Akiko Masuda
Atmospheres for peaceful expression and existence must be created for the well-being of human beings. In these especial spaces, art is recognized, music becomes a heartfelt and healing offering, and all objects are transformed into sacred images for a universal altar.

22 Filmmaking – A Path to Essence
by Ishaya-Chaitanya – Kristin Cato
Filmmaker Kristin Cato focuses on the parallels and similarities between Vedantic wisdom and creating movies, all viewed in accordance with how both are mutually supportive as spiritual disciplines in her life.

24 The Yogic Art of Dance
by Seta Chandran
In Bharatanatyam dance, the pleasing combination of Ragam (melody), Taalam (rhythm) and Bhavam (emotions) lend possibilities for expression, and bring every mood, sentiment and moral lessen to life.

26 Jai Ma Music – A Divine Legacy of Sacred Art
by Annapurna Sarada
Throughout the 1980’s and 90’s, and continuing on into the new millennium, Jai Ma Music, a sacred arts ensemble, offered events of devotional music, chanting, ethnic dance, poetry and classical music – all mingled with generous amounts of scriptural teaching in the form of direct and inspiring transmission. Herein is an article of praise and appreciation, one person’s testament to a unique artistic experience.