Issue #26



Table of Contents for #26

10 A Letter to a Long-time Friend
by Lex Hixon
Via his personal talks and many letters to aspiring beings, the founder of SRV opened doors for spiritual growth, created bridges between religious traditions, and encouraged and confirmed the inner practices of many striving Western seekers after Truth.

12 Space, Time, and Causation
by Babaji Bob Kindler
From Atomic particles to Atmic particles — that is the way of the intrepid spiritual traveler who calms and refines the densely vibrating mind so as to fathom the many kingdoms of heaven lying within.21 Reason and Enlightenment
by Swami Aseshananda
The distinct but related subjects of absolute and empirical Truth and their respective pathways is the subject of another of the late swami’s many discourses, being transcribed for issues of the Nectar journal.29 Central Nondual Teaching of Islam
by Sheikha Ayshegul Ashki
Through all practices and religious techniques, the Sufi mystic remembers and concentrates on the One Light, Allah.  And by serving the Prophet and the saints devoutly, immersion into that Light occurs.32 Meditation Techniques in Jainism
by Swami Brahmeshananda
As a wise saying goes, “Compassion is the last quality to mature in spiritual life; meditation is the final ability.”  In this further installment about the peace-filled Jain religion, an indepth exploration of this most subtle and spiritual artform is undertaken.

36 Jewish Enlightenment
by Jay Michaelson
The correlations and distinctions of religious faith and its evolution, especially pertinent to the last century, make an interesting study — particularly in tandem with the subject of Nonduality, which despite its transcendental and formless foundation, is nevertheless fertile ground for discussion around the immanent nature of Divine Reality.

40 Baha’i – Dharma for the 21st Century
by Dr. A.K. Merchant
Nectar presents its first article on the Baha’i faith and its twin inspirations — The Bab and Baha’u’llah.45 Nothing But My God
by Dr. Francis X. Clooney, S.J.
To study, with devotion, the wisdom songs and poems of a tradition other than one’s own is to discover unexpected inspiration, and “a surprise that never ceases to be new.”50 Continuing Revelation
by Laura Magnani
A Quaker’s way of knowing is discussed here, with regard to the individual, his or her “leadings,” and deep consultation and prayer with the community.53 The Father and I are One
by Paravasta Sam Bailey
With deep and ancient connections to both Judaism and Christianity, the nearly lost and barely discernible tradition of the Essenes gets an overall presentation.

57 Oneness and Unity with the Creator
by Rabbi Melech Matthew Peltz
Teachings from the Zohar, Torah, and stories from Jewish life grace this offering, which includes the unique way in which Judaism looks at the male and female principles.

60 A Letter to a Long-time Student
by Swami Turiyananda
The West was extremely fortunate to have the company of several of Sri Ramakrishna’s direct disciples during the 20th century.  One of these, Swami Turiyananda, worked personally with many American devotees, and wrote inspiring letters to others.