An Extensive Anthology of Sri Ramakrishna’s Stories
Enlightening Sayings, Stories, Anecdotes, Parables, Metaphors and Allegories of the Avatar
In this newly compiled collection are found over 750 enlightened sayings, stories, anecdotes, parables, metaphors and allegories that fell from this perfected being’s inspired lips during His brief sojourn on Earth. Short clarifying commentaries attend each entry, and the stories are classified into compelling categories graced with a host of illustrations that further enhance both its practical and aesthetic value.
Softcover, illustrated
6.5 x 10 / 732 pages / U.S. $30.00
ISBN 1-891893-08-4
“This book is destined to be a classic addition to the important collection of existing Ramakrishna literature.” — Advaita Ashrama
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